Well well well (three holes in the ground)! So many comments, so little time! It's hard to believe the number of you posting your thoughts on this blog. We're simply amazed! Although we can't guarantee we'll be able to answer any specific queries… and anyway, like we've said before, that as all the comments seem to be relating to someone else's website, we are now convinced that someone is playing an enormous joke, and to answer any one comment would be to simply fall into the trap.
We really have no idea why someone would do this to us. Why gang up on an innocent little website like that?
Either way, we feel suitably humbled.
But onward and upward. Or is that downward? Should we now suddenly have something to say to reward the fictional tsunami of visitors. About what exactly? Surely we had more to say when no one was reading? Perhaps this moment could have been anticipated. Some inspired treatise on the subject of 'subjects' could have been kept aside in perfect readiness.
The subject used to be temperance.
The subject used not to be the drug but happiness.
The subject was a drug. A drug for temperance.
So did Faust say "In the beginning was the deed."